
Gian Pietro Pirola
University of Pavia, Italia
Theta characteristic on complex algebraic curves and applications

Alexander Schmitt
Freie Universität, Alemania
Principal bundles


Lilia Alanis (CIMAT):
Polar Filtration on the Milnor Fiber of an isolated singularity and the cup product on its cohomology.

Martha Bernal (U. de Chiapas):
The Cox Ring of bar M06.

Leticia Brambila-Paz (CIMAT):
On Chow stability

Abel Castorena (CCM, Morelia):
Some applications of Limit linear series

* Laura Hidalgo (UAM-I):
Compactification of the Prym fibre P:R_4-->A_3

Osbaldo Mata Gutiérrez (CIMAT):
On substacks of moduli stack of vector bundles over a curve.

Claudia Reynoso (DEMAT):
Singular schemes of holomorphic foliations on CP2

Jesús Romero (U. de Guerrero):
Abeliants and Jacobians

Armando Sánchez (U. de Oaxaca):
Finite group actions on Abelian varieties with non-Abelian smooth quotients

Hugo Torres: (CIMAT):
Stability vs linear stability

* Por confirmar

Mayores Informes:

Leticia Brambila Paz
lebp at